Implement > new ideas

I had a conversation with a former athlete of mine the other day that was a lot like a hundred conversations I’ve had before.

We talked about what had been going well in his sport and it had been all about the implementation of stuff we’d been talking about for a couple of years.

His injuries had pretty much disappeared in the span of a few months…

…all through implementation.

So when we started talking about what would be happening over the next 6 weeks, all of the sudden there was a shift.

It was back to ideas, research, shiny objects and all the other stuff that bogged him down in the past.

When the answer was simple:

Implement More.

When something works, do more of it.

When you feel like you have to do something different…find a way to simply go one degree away from what you’re already doing well.

Don’t do a 180.

Look…I invest 5K or more worth of education and coaching every year and have for quite some time…so I appreciate the fact that successful people are lifelong learners.

But I’ll also tell you what I’ve found from buying educational programs for about 20 years…

…it’s not what people invest in or even what they learn.

It’s what they apply.

You’ve seen it with your own friends, clients and prospects.

They’ve likely bought any number of programs, memberships, diet books and a host of other things in hopes of losing weight or achieving whatever other goals they have.

But who actually succeeds?

It’s those who do the work.

Those who take action and implement.

That’s why people have so much success with individualized coaching 

A focus on implementation.

A culture of ‘doing.’

In fact, one of the worst phrases I hear from someone who is struggling is…

“I know.”

But they don’t act on it.

Knowing is of little value unless you ‘DO.’

So if you want to have more and be more…you need to do more.

If you want to implement more this Fall and back to the kind of shape that you were in when you were younger or want to give your young athlete an advantage over their peers and would like my help, reply with 'implement' in the subject line and we'll see how we might be able to work together.

Dedicated to Your Athletes Success,

Greg and Char

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