Attitude and Effort

Most athletes I talk with who are struggling all have the same assumption:

The right:

  • Plan

  • Shooting coach

  • Pair of shoes

  • Supplement

Is what separates them from success.

It’s not true.

This is a fact that all athletes who have long-term success understand:

A good plan can’t overcome poor attitude & effort.

Sure...the right plan might win for a short while.

A great shooting coach may produce for a bit.

But athletic achievement isn’t static.

Things change.

And if you don’t have the attitude and the effort needed to persevere, no single strategy or tactic can save you.

It’s why each session we spend a few minutes dedicated to Mindset and weave it into everything we do.

The plan and the tactics will change...but you’re the constant.

If you get better...everything gets better.

Don’t hang your hopes on a magic bullet tactic.

Bet on you.

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