It's never going to be perfect

Lately I have realized that having the perfect set up is never going to happen.

It's not going to happen in business or life.

Case in point, the other day I woke up late and realized that my morning workout routine wasn't going to happen the way I wanted it to.

There would be no time to drive to the gym, warm-up, do my explosive work and then lift weights.

The time crunch was real.

So, what did I do?

There was a moment while lying in bed where I figured i could 'run it back' the next day.

But then I had a weird idea.

I figured why not just go for a quick walk around the block?

So, I put my boots on, headed outside with my winter jacket (there was snow) and started walking.

Then something even weirder happened....

..I started to run.

I simply picked a light post a few blocks down and just started running towards it. When I reached it, I started walking again.

Then a minute or so later I did it again, this time I ran faster.

I repeated this about 10 times.

The whole thing took twenty minutes.

When I got home, I was sweating.

I threw on a clean shirt and went to work.

'Explosive workout' = check mark.

It's NEVER going to be perfect.

Sure, good may be the enemy of great.

But done is better than not done.

Dedicated to your athlete's success


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