Basketball Strength and Agility Programs
Jungle FORCE Program
Forwards and Centers
Basic strength movements and footwork drills to create powerful men and women. No frills. Build serious strength and power. Get out of the way. That ball is mine, and the paint under the hoop is my house.
Jungle Flight Program
Outside Shooters and Guards
Strength and speed movements to turn yourself into someone else's nightmare. Speed, agility, accuracy. Lean muscle for speed. Footwork to turn people inside out.
"Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen." - Michael Jordan
At the Jungle our basketball programs focus on each athlete as an individual. Most training facilities train basketball players. We see things differently here.
We train young men and women who happen to be athletes that play the sport of basketball.
Young People -----> Athletes -----> Basketball Players.
Our strength and conditioning program at the Jungle is designed to develop the athletes' total athletic performance capabilities. To train athletic movements and basic motor skills we take a from a "centre-out" approach. This approach is based on the following 3 questions,
1. Does our athlete have the optimal range of motion, flexibility for all joints and muscles as well as trunk stability to thrive in a intensive training environment? If not we need to start here.
2. After analyzing our athletes do we uncover major strength deficiencies and asymmetries? If yes we then design a program to counter those deficiencies and asymmetries.
3. Assuming there are no major strength deficiencies and asymmetries our next question is what does the athlete need to in order to perform at the highest level possible? This is dependent on a myriad of factors such as age, gender, injury history, current maximum strength, current movement pattern ability plus many more. An independent program is designed assuming these factors for each athlete.
Call or email us for more information! 403-462-8424