Charmayne started working part time for the Jungle late in 2015. It wasn't until 2016 when she quite unexpectedly realized that she had found her place in the world and fell in love with working with young athletes. It was at this time she decided to take a leap of faith and make the move to full time. Char knew that in order to be successful she needed to be "all in" so she set her ships ablaze and left herself no other option but to move forward and succeed. Char understands the massive responsibility and dedication that comes along with making an impact on young people who happen to be athletes. Char's adaptable and passionate nature helps to create both a challenging atmosphere yet also a place where athletes are allowed to be vulnerable. The journey from adolescence to adulthood is challenging and Char will always ensure she can assist our athletes any way she can. Her true goal is to help produce well rounded respectful and accountable human beings that understand the value of contribution and integrity.
Charmayne is well known for her collections of Canadian tire money, used nerf bullets and expired medications. She enjoys swimming in cold water, playing Xiangqi with old Chinese men and learning the lyrics to tibetan folk music from the 1980's. Her favorite song is